Pizza dough made from scratch is topped with mozzarella cheese, sauce, and your choice of savory toppings, then grilled to perfection for a fun outdoor...
Our recipe for Banana Bread is incredibly moist and delicious. Country Crock® Spread and ripe bananas make this banana bread naturally sweet and rich....
To take a tuna melt from good to great, it has to have all the right components. In other words, plain mayo alone won't cut it. Here's how we do it: open-faced...
NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Chocolate Chip Pie features the sweet, creamy richness of a brown sugar base combined with chopped nuts and delicious chocolate morsels....
Fresh broccoli and tender chunks of chicken breast are combined with a creamy sauce flavored with Parmesan cheese and basil, then mixed with hot cooked...
Rich chocolate brownies have found the perfect complement with the addition of a sweet PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese mixture. Use your favorite brownie mix...
Delicious for brunch or a quick week-night dinner, this frittata with sausage, potatoes, and Parmesan cheese is topped with chopped tomato and sliced green...
Shredded chicken, black beans, corn, cheese, and chiles in a creamy sauce are rolled into tortillas and baked with enchilada sauce and more cheese for...
The Classic Caribbean and Spanish Meal--Arroz con Pollo--is a popular staple in the Caribbean kitchen. Our chicken and rice is extra special with the addition...
All of your favorite taco fixings can be found in this crowd-pleasing casserole. Plus, it uses convenience products like canned soup and veggies, cooked...
This Johnsonvillle recipe is a must for mushroom fans! The taste of Johnsonville Italian Sausage pairs well with cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, lemon and...
Even if you don't have a lot of time to spend getting dinner together, you can still charm your family with this clever meal idea. In less time than it...
Fried rice in 15 minutes! Cook Minute® Rice with chicken broth, stir-fry vegetables, soy sauce and egg. You'll feel good about serving your family this...
Can't decide what kind of stuffing to make? Try this's very easy to prepare, loaded with great flavor and goes from stovetop to table in just...
Served best warm and right out of the oven, sweet potato chips are a simple, wholesome snack your kids will love. Baking on aluminum foil ensures your...
For the true peanut butter lover, this creamy pie has a peanut butter cookie crust and is filled with a blend of cream cheese, peanut butter and whipped...
The fresh flavor burst of lemon perfectly accents the chicken and angel hair pasta in this quick and easy dish. Serve with a generous topping of Parmesan...
It's like a Mexican version of a BLT! You choose whether you want it smoky or zesty by the flavor of petite diced tomatoes you use. Crispy bacon and fresh...
Frozen hash browns with onions and peppers are topped with cooked chicken, a delicious soup mixture and Cheddar cheese. Baked until hot and bubbling and...
Turn boneless, skinless chicken breasts into a vibrant, healthful one-pot meal with plump GOYA® Low Sodium Black Beans, sweet red onion, crunchy red bell...